A walk in the country followed by great food and drink. It’s kind of what Bax Botanics is all about isn’t it?

The brand of the British Countryside. Designed by nature but made by us.

How about a walk in the grounds of (in my opinion) the most beautiful country house in the UK, teaching people about botanical flavours and nature’s bounty, followed by a 6 course feast with alcohol-free drinks by Bax Botanics?

It’s got to be a winner!

Rose and I have been teaching about plants, foraging and cooking for nearly 20 years.  It’s what set us on our Bax Botanics journey. 

Last week I took a sneaky break from the office to lead a group into the wonderful grounds of Castle Howard in North Yorkshire and teach them a little about the tastes of a wild English Summer.

We had an amazing evening. Beautiful mid-Summer weather and the stunning Yorkshire landscape with a backdrop of the stateliest of stately homes.

Returning to the walled garden, guests were greeted with a Bax Verbena Collins coloured a subtle shade of lilac by butterfly pea flowers and garnished with fragrant, freshly picked elderflower..


We then all sat down to a feast of wild and fire cooked flavours created by Polly Baldwin @jollyallotment and her amazing team.

I must give a shout out to Jess for helping me collect all the wild ingredients from our woodland a few days in advance.


The Menu


A taste of nettle and wild pea shoots.

Butter bean mash with Yorkshire greens and Wild Marjoram pesto.

Mackerel  and cucumber with Wood and Common Sorrel.


Spiced British lentils with Hogweed masala and Sweet Cicely kefir.

Mushroom with Wild Garlic capers.

Fire roasted fruit and Sitka Spruce syrup.



Authenticity, great taste, sustainability and innovation that’s what we are about. And that is why we partner with events like this. 

We make our drinks ourselves with great pride using skills and knowledge developed over many years. It’s a pleasure to meet and work alongside people with the same passion, creativity and integrity.